Romain Gauthier Romain Gauthier (11)

Romain Gauthier is a co-founder of Game Conductor. He is a Jack of all trades and previously worked for well known companies like Mozilla and Sauce Labs. During his industry experience spanning more than 10 years across different professions, he developed a taste for advanced automated testing, and a sharp intuition to find the root cause of any bug.

Roadmap to become a QA automation engineer in games

I've been asked a few times how to get started in test automation for video games. Initially I thought "well you need programming skills, QA knowledge, game engine knowledge, ..." and then I realized there is no straightforward answer to this question. It depends on…

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A comparison of Unity test frameworks

Test Automation is slowly getting adopted by the video game industry. The Game Quality Forum 2023 clearly indicates this shift. However there is a lack of comprehensible answers to this question. If you’re trying to understand which are the existing test automation frameworks, this article…

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Game Quality Forum 2023, a review

As an QA automation engineer in video games, it is hard to find conferences that fit the intersections of my skills and professional interest. QA automation engineers are not only interested in QA, but also the technical gritty bits of automation engineering. This leads to…

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Screen recording is now available on Game Conductor!

Game Conductor recently shipped with a new important feature: screen recording. Now you can enable screen recording for any run, and watch the resulting video in the test reports. Use this feature to control your Unity automated testing, and make sure the game is rendered…

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