Romain Gauthier Romain Gauthier (13)

Romain Gauthier is a co-founder of Game Conductor. He is a Jack of all trades and previously worked for well known companies like Mozilla and Sauce Labs. During his industry experience spanning more than 10 years across different professions, he developed a taste for advanced automated testing, and a sharp intuition to find the root cause of any bug.

Unity Test Framework Tutorial (Unity 2022.3)

This tutorial has been updated in September 2024 for Unity 2022.3. Testing is an important part of game development. Manual testing is often the obvious way. But manual testing can be very repetitive. That's why automated game testing is a very powerful tool for any…

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Automated game testing is still in its infancy

Writing software is highly abstract and it’s difficult to keep the whole picture in one’s head, especially when the parts of said software change continuously. Writing tests is, for some, an obvious solution to tackle the complexity and make sure the developed software works the…

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